- Easy-to-use API
- Flexible Usage
- Works with any tag and even forms
- In Extended Mode - compatible with 3rd party components
- Packaged with optional built-in spinner
- Only 1.5KB minified and gzipped
- ESM, CommonJS, UMD versions
import Vue from 'vue'
import VuePromiseBtn from 'vue-promise-btn'
// not required. Styles for built-in spinner
import 'vue-promise-btn/dist/vue-promise-btn.css'
Vue.use(VuePromiseBtn) // or with global options: Vue.use(VuePromiseBtn, {loader: '...'})
Quick Start
There are 2 modes for this plugin: SIMPLIFIED and EXTENDED
Simplified syntax:
EXTREMELY easy. Just add directive v-promise-btn to your button:
<button v-promise-btn @click="getData">Get Data</button>
Or with single instance options:
<button v-promise-btn="options" @click="getData">Get Data</button>
!!! Event handler should always return Promise for SIMPLIFIED mode
Extended syntax:
Simply add option parameter promise and assing to it promise from data you want to handle.
<button v-promise-btn="{ promise: isLoading }" @click="getData">Get Data</button>
!!! If you face any issue - better to use EXTENDED syntax
<button v-promise-btn @click="asyncAction">Click handler</button>
<button v-promise-btn @click.prevent="asyncAction">With Prevent modifier</button>
<button v-promise-btn="{action: 'contextmenu'}" @click.right="asyncAction">Right mouse</button>
<button v-promise-btn="{action: 'mouseup'}" @click.middle="asyncAction">Middle mouse</button>
<button v-promise-btn="{loader: CustomSpinnerComponent}" @click="asyncAction">Loader as custom component</button>
<button v-promise-btn="{loader: '<b>(HTML loader...)</b>' }" @click="asyncAction">Loader as custom component</button>
<button v-promise-btn v-on="{ click: asyncActionWithArgs($event, 'abc') }">Btn with expression on click handle</button>
!!! Important: if you want to use closure - you have to define v-on="{ click: test('abc') }" instead of @click="test('abc')"
<button v-promise-btn="{ promise: dataPromise }" @click="asyncWithPromiseInData('Hello from async action!')">Extended syntax with external promise</button>
This param allow to use directive with external components. Use this option if you faced issued with simplified syntax
<b-btn v-promise-btn="{ promise: bootstrapBtnPromise }" @click="vueBootstrap('Hello from vue bootstrap button!')">Extended with Vue Bootstrap</b-btn>
<form v-promise-btn="{action: 'submit'}" @submit.prevent="asyncAction">
<button type="submit">Button Form Submit</button>
Vue.component('custom-form', {
template: `<form @submit.prevent="$emit('submit', 'data')">
<button type="submit">Button Form Submit - Handle Component Event</button>
<custom-form @submit="dummyAsyncAction" v-promise-btn="{action: 'submit'}"></custom-form>
Option | Type | Default value |
btnLoadingClass | String | loading |
spinnerHiddenClass | String | hidden |
action | String | click |
disableBtn | Boolean | true |
minTimeout | Number | 400 |
autoHideSpinnerWrapper | Boolean | false (if true - add display property that depends on spinner state) |
loader | Component or HTML String | Built-in Spinner component |
stringHTMLRenderer | Function | Returns HTML string template |
componentRenderer | Function | Returns component render-function |
Action types
Vue internal action names for mouse modifiers
Mouse Modifier | Action Name |
Left | click |
Right | contextmenu |
Middle | mouseup |
Vue versions higher v2.6.0 does not support promise-btn v1.1.0.
For Vue v2.6 or higher use promise-btn v1.2.0 or higher. -
Vue versions below v2.5.14 does not support promise-btn with event modifiers.
This code will not work, because events with modifiers will always return "undefined"<button v-promise-btn @click.prevent="asyncAction">With Prevent modifier</button>
Solution: Update Vue to v2.5.14 or higher. Issue Fixed by this PR